The blood glory pdf
The blood glory pdf

It is concluded that the cultural basis of femicide can be traced back to the southern and northern borders of the Mediterranean, where the expression of the violent culture of honor was sublimated into violence against women. This article aims to examine the cultural substratum that perpetuates in the male psyche a femicidal inclination, which cannot be suppressed or eradicated through more punitive laws.  ABSTRACT: Femicide is a crime based on gender.  PALABRAS CLAVES: Feminicidio, cultura mediterránea, honor, suicidio, mujer. Las grandes religiones del Mediterráneo no erradicaron los códigos morales de los pueblos mediterráneos, sino que los incorporaron a su credo, de modo que la expansión del cristianismo y del islam supuso la mundialización de la cultura mediterránea. Se concluye que el sustrato cultural del feminicidio puede rastrearse en las franjas meridional y septentrional del Mediterráneo, donde la expresión de la cultura violenta del honor fue sublimada en la violencia contra las mujeres.

the blood glory pdf

Este artículo tiene como objetivo examinar el sustrato cultural que perpetúa en la psique masculina una inclinación feminicida, que no es posible reprimir ni erradicar por medio de leyes más punitivas. RESUMEN: El feminicidio es un crimen por razón de género. However, honor killings is a highly complex phenomenon, hence cannot be understood by SIT alone, therefore there are still unexplored areas of honor killings which still need to be investigated. Conclusions: Psychological insights into the process of honor killings can be of prime importance as it can provide new pathways into the understanding and prevention of such killings. Results: Three themes were generated from the data which were social comparison, positive distinctiveness, and attachment to SI. Statistical Analysis Used: Thematic analysis was done. A semi structured interview schedule based on components of SI theory (SIT) was devised. Subjects and Methods: A sample of 3 participants residing in the village were taken as sample. Settings and Design: In order to fulfill the objectives of the study, a village from the state of Haryana was selected for the study. In addition, it also aims to investigate into the development and alternatives to honor killing. Aims: The objectives of the present study were to explore honor killings from the perspective of social identity (SI) theory. Such unique characteristics and increasingly alarmingly rates of honor killings calls for attention in this area. Such killings are out rightly condemned by the society, yet supported by the family. Judge Dredd™, Sláine™, STRONTIUM DOG™ Rebellion A/S, ©Rebellion A/S, All rights reserved.Context: The concept of honor killing is very interesting yet complex to explore. 2000AD® 2000AD is a registered trade mark ® and © Rebellion A/S All rights reserved. K-9 image © BBC/Bob Baker/Dave Martin 1977. Cyberman image © BBC/Kit Pedler/Gerry Davis 1966. BBC, DOCTOR WHO (word marks, logos and devices), TARDIS, DALEKS, CYBERMAN and K-9 (word marks and devices) are trade marks of the British Broadcasting Corporation and are used under licence.

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The blood glory pdf